Current Role on the Foundation Board: VP Marketing

Other volunteer roles held at ABES: VP Communication with ABF, LRV for Shank/Lin, LRV for Curry/Xie
Children: Elliana (Grade 4) and Zachary (K)
Profession: Liability Claims Supervisor
Hobbies: Plant mom, planning my food adventure, skin care enthusiast (especially when it comes to sunscreen,) and watching k drama
Favorite Food: Korean and anything seafood
Favorite place to travel: Asia
Best part about volunteering at the school?: Watching the kiddos thrive in the classroom, interacting with other parents, students, teachers and staff
Where were you born?: New York City, NY
Special award: First generation college graduate and being a mom 😍

Best piece of advice you’ve received: it’s okay to fail that’s how we grow and become better
Fun Fact: when I was six I was eating peanuts super fast and I lodged one in my nose and it got stuck for a while. My family still being back this memory very frequently.
That fun fact May be gross so here’s another one: My name was suppose to be Diana but the nurse wrote Annie instead on my birth certificate.