How You Can Help
Donate to our
Initial Ask Campaign.
Monthly Payment Options Available.
Connect with us:
Join a monthly meeting.​​
Get your donations matched.
Check With Your Employer on Corporate Matching
Please remember to write each child's name and teacher in the notes section at check out.

One-Time Donation
Any amount can make a difference.
NEW! Subscribe for recurring weekly, monthly, or yearly donations.
Donations to ABEF can be made by cash or check and turned into the main office anytime. Make checks out to "Adobe Bluffs Educational Foundation" and include your child's name in the notes section.
Mark your envelope "FOUNDATION"

Monthly Meetings
The Foundation holds monthly meetings the second Monday of each month, unless there is a school break. We invite and encourage our Adobe Bluffs community to attend these meetings. Meetings are usually held in-person at a board member’s home with a ZOOM option available. If interested in attending a meeting, please contact us today.