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Yearbooks on Sale
$28 per book
Our School Code is # 013521M. Prices will go up March 2, 2024.
Last day to order ads and sponsorships is February 29, 2024.
Step 1:
Click here to access site.
Step 2:
Log in, or Register as a "new user"
Step 3:
Click on the Memory Book Products menu.
Step 4:
Buy a personalized yearbook for $28.00.
Add a "Love Line" for $5.00. There's a 150-character max for love lines and 29-character max for personalization (on the front cover).
Note 5th Grade Parents:
Click on Parent Ad- 5th Grade to start creating your 5th grade Memorable Ad.
If interested in volunteering or for questions, please contact:
Thank you for your support!
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