Adobe Bluffs Educational Foundation Meeting Notes
(11/8/2022 6:03pm-7:09pm Zoom and Erin’s house)
Jenny Tomlin, Angie, Jen Chen, Paloma, Christine, Annie, Erin, Mrs. Peterson, Ms. Sheikh, Mr. Figone, Julie, Megan, Seth, Sheila, Olivia, Cindy, Sharon, Shannon, Angel, Razelene
November Meeting Minutes Approval – Jen Chen motioned to approve, Sharon seconded, all approved
President’s Report (Jenny)
Upcoming Foundation Fundraising Events: Silent Auction & Jog-A-Thon
Working behind the scenes with Jen, Sheila, Seth, Julie, and Megan. Just think this is going to be amazing!
Silent Auction: Silent Auction will be on Friday, Dec 2 starting at 5pm
We have lots of donations that will take a lot of hands to get this done
We’re up to 65 bidders registered. Link will be sent out this week.
The kids’ raffle includes about 15 items. Plan is to make flyers.
Lawn signs with the QR codes were picked up from the district today.
Class baskets will be shown in front of the school the whole week leading up to the day of.
We will be there to address questions for parents and families that have never been to the auction.
Silent Auction will be announced at Thursday Sing and Foundation baskets will be on display.
Important to communicate that the Silent Auction is one of the biggest fundraisers for the school.
Principal Report (Mrs. Peterson)
Impact teacher (who had accepted a 3 day a week position) had to stop suddenly earlier this month.
We needed someone to transition quickly into the role. One of the current impact teachers (who was 2 days a week) was able to add on 2 additional days, so we are technically down by only 1 day.
We are going to re-group as a leadership team to see if that’s working or figure out what to do about that last day.
Impact is a maximum of 16 hours by the district. AIR is a maximum of 19 hours.
Primary music (one day a week for a few hours, in January): a few interested people have reached out. Info will be placed in the Sunday Bulletin and our primary teachers will decide who they want to move forward.
Everyone is excited about our Silent Auction.
The new counselor asked if she could participate; welcomed her to put on as many activities/items as she wants. New staff were asking what the typical teacher-led events were.
We’re so thankful for all of you.
Teacher Report (Ms. Sheikh/Mr. Figone)
Mr. Figone: We received really good response for the teacher experience for teacher time.
Ms. Sheikh: ASD teachers were fine with pizza lunch
Jenny: Every teacher donated. There are amazing teacher experiences and lots of new ones. Donations: school counselor, TOSA, principal for the day, front row seats to graduation, etc. Thank you so much!
Financials/Reserves (Jen Chen)
Venmo Business Account:
We have a Venmo charity account associated with our email account ABES Foundation.
Jenny- We'll get it set up for raffle tickets (mega prize and kids raffle tickets).
We had a deficit of $10,000 last month, and now have a deficit of $1,800
Includes $41,000 reserves for the impact teachers. If there’s a change in the impact teacher salaries and numbers, we can rework that.
Jenny: We had already figured out that we were going to pay x amount of dollars for the impact teacher that was working 3 days a week. Since that person is no longer here and the current impact teacher can pick up some of those 3 days, that salary changes.
Jen Chen: With the impact teachers, we pay half of the salary at the beginning of the year and pay the other half at the end, so we’ve already paid that 50% deposit. But now because the teachers are changing, we need to figure out what’s going to happen.
October donations:
Overall, in October, we have a total of $8,161 ($6,000 coming from donations and $2,000 coming from corporate. A lot of corporate matches are starting to come in.)
Total income: So far this year- $38,896.
Expenses: Spent $200 for the Silent Auction (printing, lawn signs, etc.)
PA/Wireless Mic System- Review Proposal (Total: $7,500)
Olivia: Addressed issues with sound and difficulty hearing students during Thursday gathering/Talent Show
Sweetwater Music Instruments and Pro Audio has an education department
Eric contacted Sweetwater for an educational department Mic System inquiry. Sweetwater staff mentioned: Mic system is a good one. It should work well, be reliable, and should last about 5 years.
In the past, we paid roughly $8,000 with Mrs. Shaw as principal and items were purchased 2-3 years ago when Mr. Park was principal. Proposal includes: a headset mic, cables, sub-woofer, etc.
Jenny: PA/Wireless Mic System - Proposal $7,413.91. Very detailed. 
Foundation received an email copy of the proposal. Jenny reviewed a hard copy of the proposal- It has 3 wireless, headsets with body packs, etc. Olivia addressed wireless headsets.
Jenny: Discussed need for Audio Visual Lead-
Goal: To have 1-2 people on-site who have the responsibility for the materials (which includes maintaining equipment and ensuring proper use of the equipment.) Training on equipment is needed before use.
Mrs. Peterson: No one on audio and visual. There’s a gathering crew and school-wide assemblies are run more by the leadership team. We would have to find someone willing to volunteer.
Olivia: Eric doesn’t mind helping. We can also streamline it so teachers can learn.
Jenny: Communication to be sent out addressing the need for audio visual lead volunteer(s).
Jenny: PA/Wireless Mic System Update-
November Virtual Vote- Outdoor Audio Equipment:
The Foundation approved to fund the new PA/Wireless Mic System for ABES (approved 11/19/2022).
Be Strong-A-Thon/Jog-A-Thon (Sheila/Seth)
Be Strong-A-Thon/Jog-A-Thon update:
Sheila: Waiting for the official date. The Jog-A-Thon point of contact is ready for the contract.
Jenny: Progress of finalizing date reviewed-
Looking to have it 2 weeks towards the end of March on a Friday the 31st- morning was already booked, Friday afternoon was offered, but it would not be good to run after lunch.
So, looking potentially to have the Jog-A-Thon on Thursday (which will be tight since we have 3 different recess times and 4 different lunch times.)
There are 120 TK/K students and they need to have their own time.
Proposed schedule: Sent to Mrs. Peterson and teacher liaisons for feedback. Thursday Sing would end at 8:30am, then depending on grade level, proposed TK/K would be first. A large group would go after Thursday Sing, then have a little bit of snack/recess then grade levels will go the rest of the day.
Need to distribute/place wrists bands on in a timely manner. Run time will be 30 minutes.
The company is all about covid precautions
There will be no bounce houses, no money grab machine
Jenny: wristbands and disinfectant spray will be provided
The company is giving incentives week by week for the teachers.
Family Dance Event- February Dance (Olivia, Cindy, Sharon)
February Dance: Save the Date - Friday, February 10th; name of dance to be determined
Foundation discussed: potential contacts Foundation can reach out to for catering
Parliamentarian/Bylaws (Paloma)
ABES Bylaws were enacted 20 years ago
Back then, the purpose of the of the Foundation was to introduce and maintain computer and multimedia workstations in each classroom
The Foundation has grown, and we’ve met many of our goals and gone past that.
Current Bylaws reviewed and discussed. Updated bylaws to be presented to the board for review, revision, and ratification next month
Silent Auction (Julie/Megan)
Silent Auction Status:
95% of our asks entered on the auction website. Thank you, Jenny! She’s helped us a lot and put in considerable effort. All class baskets are wrapped and ready to go (range from $100 to over $300.)
Food truck options- RomBom Burger, Taco option, Baskin Robbins (ice cream/root beer floats)
Stacy with trio- will do singing or live performances. 5-5:30pm
Jenny: Over 200 items (worth over $25,000)
Silent Auction Volunteers:
Volunteer sign up: Pretty much everyone signed up for everything- Thank you so much!
Have 10+ setting up; MRP Set-up time: 1:45 pm (set up tables and get all items in).
Sheila and Cindy will do the mega prize.
Jenny- we'll do hard raffle tickets. We have already sold 530 tickets.
Megan and volunteers will help with the kids’ activities.
Jenny: Door guards to monitor flow and ensure no/food drinks in MPR. Winning bid checkouts: Before leaving MPR, show receipt at door to ensure correct items are received by winners.
Winning items that are not picked up: determine designated garage for general pick-up area
Jenny: Silent Auction Communication:
We’re going to be sending lots of communication. If you’re not seeing anything from your room parents or teachers, please let Jenny know.
5th grade will run snacks/drinks/beverages to help with their 5th grade graduation.
Cordial Emails will be sent to teachers inviting them to attend.
PTA Liaison (Angel)
PTA 2022-2023 School of Excellence Award:
This Thursday Sing, Mrs. Peterson and Poway Unified School District representatives will present the PTA 2022-2023 School of Excellence Award to Adobe Bluffs.
Brenda did a lot of work last year to send out surveys about community engagement and parent teacher relationships. They did a whole write up.
PTA Association Meeting- Thursday evening
Li Laoshi will be speaking about how to nurture Mandarin not only in immersion but also the FLES program for students.
December: Dine Out Nights- will be at Joyee's Dumpling place
January: Heritage Night- Need adults to help create culturally appropriate foods; hoping to have food from around the world
February: Author’s Fair
March: Ability Awareness- Special Olympics will come to our school.
Book Fair was super successful. PTA made $400 with pizza. Next book fair will be buy one, get one free in April.
Next meeting: Monday, December 12th