Adobe Bluffs Educational Foundation Meeting Notes
(06/13/2022 6:14pm-6:45pm Zoom and Olivia Jenson’s house; Email Updates and Communication for 07/2022)
Angie, Olivia, Erin, Cindy, Michelle, Sharon, Christine, Mrs. Peterson, Megan, Yecong (Joy) Li
May Meeting Minutes Approval – Michelle motioned to approve, Erin seconded, all approved
President’s Report (Angie)
Thank you and congratulations Team for the fantastic job throughout this school year!
Total money raised for the year is $124, 410.60. The goal was $117,000, This is the most money raised in school’s history.
Total family donated: ~130
The spending breakdown is:
Teacher salaries: 17% (music, PE, impact teachers, site specific subs)
Campus improvements: 59% (garden, bungalow improvements, outdoor learning space, lunch tables)
Tech upgrades: 8% (docucams for all classrooms, conference room, MPR projector)
Health & safety: 9% (COVID tests for teachers/staff, health office supplies)
Faculty & staff support: 4% (teacher supply stipends)
Admin: 2% (printing, website, banners)
Yearbook: 1%
Total events: 6
Summary events registrations during the year:
Family Bingo Night - 47 Online Orders
Silent Auction - 106 Online Orders, Silent Auction site 223 bidders
Family Photo Sessions - 12 Online Orders
Love Fest - 87 Online Orders
Be Strong a Thon - 373 students registered
Total website visits: 4471 (08/01/2021-05/25/2022, 42% YOY) with Mrs. Boyd’s retirement celebration post being the most viewed,
Total Email sent: 32, average opened 423, average clicks 33
Total volunteer hours: ~600
4 new innovations/new initiatives:
Photo event
Bingo Night
Love Fest
Principal Report (Mrs. Peterson)
Last month of school is full of fun activities, including the field trips, the in-person educational opportunities, and the student teacher kickball.
It’s been a very challenging year, but we went through it and made it an amazing year for our kids.
Thank you for all your support!
Small Events Chair (voting role): Shannon Dawkins
Christine motioned to approve, Peggy seconded, all approved
(Email Updates and Communication for 07/2022)
Virtual Funding Votes (Jenny):
$66,781/year Teacher Salaries:
Christine motioned to approve, Seth seconded, majority approved (7/22/22):
StaffDaysCostPE4 days$20,053.00Music1 day$1,750.00Impact 14 days$23,000.00Impact 22 days$10,989.00Impact 22 days$10,989.00
Total: $66,781/year and $33,390 (50% due in October)
The 3 impact teachers will have the same roles as previous years.
Suggestion: Foundation to look into receiving a calendar of Impact teachers’ hours and what classes they are covering to see where money is being distributed.
$150 Professional Zoom:
Christine motioned to approve, Seth seconded, majority approved (7/22/22):
ZOOMPROMeetings100 attendeesMessagingGroup Chat & File SharingWhite Boards3Cloud Storage5GBPRICE$150
$500 Health Supplies:
Christine motioned to approve, Seth seconded, majority approved (7/22/22):
The Foundation will provide the requested $500 from the Health office to replenish supplies. (Sundee confirmed the health office only receives $100 from the district for the entire school for supplies. The Foundation usually provides a small amount of funds for the Health Office to start off the school year.)
$500 Nini’s Garden:
Julie motioned to approve, Sheila seconded, majority approved (7/31/22):
The Foundation will provide the requested $500 for mulch and weeding for the school garden.
NOTE: There was no meeting held in July 2022