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January 2023 Meeting Minutes

Adobe Bluffs Educational Foundation Meeting Notes

(1/9/2022 6:00pm-6:35pm Zoom)


  • Jenny Tomlin, Jen Chen, Paloma, Annie, Mrs. Peterson, Ms. Sheikh, Mr. Figone, Julie, Megan, Seth, Sheila, Olivia, Cindy, Sharon, Clara, Angel, Razelene

  • December Meeting Minutes Approval – Jen Chen motioned to approve, Sheila seconded, all approved

President’s Report (Jenny)

  • December meeting- discussed Gift Card Vote and Silent Auction

  • Working on Second Ask:

    • Jen pulled spreadsheets and updated who has paid thus far.

    • Second Ask reminders will be sent out to parents and guardians. About 5-6 people are needed to help load envelopes to send out (takes 1 hour max). Email will be sent about stuffing envelopes.

  • $3,100 AB Teacher/ Staff Gift Cards:

    • Spent $3,100 (Pre-approved $3,000 on 12/12/2022):

      • Included the main custodian, Jozelle, to bring it to $3,100. Jozelle is an amazing hard worker; she does so much for us on Foundation and there are many items that she purchases that she needs for the school.

    • Gift cards were purchased the day after the vote.

  • $675.85 Recess Enrichment Program:

    • Mrs. LeMaster and Ms. Simuong came up with a wish list of recess enrichment equipment (close to $750-$800 in expenses).

      • Jenny received the wish list and purchased a little over $675 worth of items on Amazon.

      • Pre-approved $500 on 12/12/2022.

      • Waiting on 1 more item, then can deliver items to the school

    • Mrs. LeMaster is also the TOSA at Turtleback Elementary. They have already implemented Recess Enrichment and it’s been a positive program at their school.

  • Silent Auction Teacher Time Scheduling:

    • End of January and early February

    • Teacher Pizza Lunch Winner: Foundation will order pizzas and teachers have a one-on-one lunch and get to enjoy pizza, a cookie, and a beverage with that one student.

  • Recruiting for the 2023-2024 School Year:

    • February 2023- Recruitment meeting:

      • For those interested to come and learn more about the Foundation and our various roles

      • To get some new faces and new fresh ideas onto our board

      • If you know anybody that may be interested, let Jenny know so she can reach out to them. (Angie has already put Jenny in touch with somebody and Jenny reached out to let them know that we’d love to have them come and learn more about the Foundation.)

    • 30 minutes will be added prior to February meeting to give everybody an insight to all the different roles that make up the Foundation

    • Olivia suggested a potluck to help the host with food and drinks for interested new members

Principal Report (Mrs. Peterson)

  • Had a wonderful short meeting with teachers:

    • Voted for 5 day a week full-time certificate and they were extremely grateful

  • Recess Enrichment Program:

    • Wanted to focus on non-competitive play at recess and lunch and provide other options for students (e.g., dance, chalk, board games, etc.).

    • We have gone full steam ahead because of the Foundation’s support

    • We have a ton of supplies that Mrs. LeMaster listed for all the teachers so they know what to expect as we start rotating some of these.

  • Lunar New Year:

    • Lunar New Year celebration is on Friday, January 20th. A save the date was sent out.

    • Not going to have the celebration as part of a Thursday gathering this year

    • We had so many families, teachers, and students who really thought it could stand on its own and wanted it to stand on its own. It is student driven and our students and faculty will perform.

    • Instead of one day, there are a lot of activities throughout the month leading up to Lunar New Year, with the culmination of everyone all being together.

Teacher Report (Ms. Sheikh/Mr. Figone)

  • Ms. Sheikh: Teachers were sent a link with all the Silent Auction winners and communication was made about reaching out to families within the next few weeks.

  • Jenny requested for a friendly email reminder to reach out to teachers regarding:

    • Scheduling Pizza Time: Work with staff on a date for teacher pizza lunch with the winners.

    • Amazon Gift Cards: teachers can add the gift card to their personal accounts to make school purchases from teacher wish lists.

    • Ms. Sheikh and Mr. Figone will email teachers to make sure information about the Foundation purchased gift cards are included in the weekly email to parents/guardians; emails will mention what teachers plan to use the gift cards for.

  • Mr. Figone: Received an email from Mrs. LeMaster that mentioned the donation the Foundation gave towards the activities at recess covered almost all of their materials.

  • Jenny: Foundation Agenda/Meeting Minutes for teachers:

    • For teachers who would like to see the agenda and the minutes, feel free to forward the email with the agenda to this meeting and the December minutes to staff and send it out if they want to attend.

    • The Foundation does not have closed meetings. Anybody is welcome to join our meeting and add anything to our agenda. We’re happy to have anybody, specifically staff. We love to hear from our teachers.

Financials/Reserves (Jen Chen)

  • Total income in December was a little over $23,000

    • Bulk of that was the Silent Auction and the raffle with $2,000 coming from corporate match.

  • Expense side:

    • Biggest expense was Gift Cards for Teachers/Staff at $3,100

    • Total expenses were $4,800 (includes some of the remaining Silent Auction expenses, some for recess equipment, and a little bit left over from the audio equipment)

  • Total of balance on all our bank accounts right now is a little over $62,000

  • Reserves:

    • $42,000 still on reserve: covers teachers’ salaries

    • $500 on reserve for any remaining health office supplies and CPR training

    • Another $500 on reserve for hopscotch

  • Available balance right now to use is $12,000

  • Jen Chen will summarize a quarterly report and send it to Jenny

Family Dance Event- February Dance (Olivia/Cindy/Sharon)

  • February Sweetheart Dance - Save the Date - Friday, February 10th at 5:30 pm.

    • Sharon: Everybody’s invited, the whole family. Rebecca did a great flyer; will be in students’ folders

    • Tickets will be online on the website:

  • $35 for 1 parent and 1 child (Includes: dessert, drink, and a raffle ticket)

  • Then, $10 for any additional parent or additional child (per person)

  • Students must be accompanied by their parent(s)/guardian(s).

  • Raffle will be called out during the dance.

  • Dress code: Smart casual. Not formal, but smart casual.

  • Decorations: streamers and balloons. If anybody has disco balls or white lights, let Sharon know.

  • Olivia: Need help setting up MPR. There will be a few stations. Will send out a Sign-Up Genius to verify the exact times.

  • If anyone would like to get on the mic for 20 or 30 minutes to help out, let Olivia know so that Sharon, Cindy, and Olivia can also enjoy the dance.

  • Will have a photobooth and a DJ.

  • Will have dessert and drinks (most likely cookies and soda or water). Will not have open food since the whole school and their families are invited and there won’t be room to sit down and eat.

  • 5th Graders were invited to run a snack bar and will be keeping any profits in order to raise money for their class.

  • Jenny sent out an email today about yearbook and included the family dance.

  • Admin will be present:

    • There will be a large volume of the people present on campus. Between Ms. Li, Mrs. LeMaster, and Mrs. Peterson, at least one or two Admin will be present at the dance.

    • An invite will be extended to all teachers to attend.

PTA Liaison (Angel)

  • Lunar New Year:

    • Sign-up list for Lunar New Year. Photo booth on Friday before the event.

    • PTA is asking for donations for a potluck for the teachers. Families were sent information through their LRV and Facebook. Information will also be sent in the Sunday message this week.

  • PTA will be doing a second push for Membership on Monday January 16th that goes through February 3rd

    • Brenda is in charge of doing another push for membership because the PTA gets money for participation based on how many members we have.

  • Authors’ Fair coming up in February, then Ability Awareness.

  • Next restaurant event is on January 19th at Fresco.

Next meeting: Monday, February 13th

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©2023 by Adobe Bluffs Educational Foundation.  |  Tax ID Number: 35-2183349

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