Adobe Bluffs Educational Foundation Meeting Notes (01/10/2022 6:00pm-7:30pm Zoom)
Angie, Olivia, Julie, Angela, Shannon, Sharon, Jenny Tomlin, Jenn Chen, Christine, Mrs. Li, Mrs. Peterson, Miss Sheikh, Annie, Seth, Arlene, Abby, Brenda, Megan, Jessica, Erin, Paloma, Yecong (Joy) Li
November Meeting Minutes Approval – Jenny motioned to approve, Olivia seconded, all approved
President’s Report (Angie)
Silent Auction brought in $26,000. Thank you, Jenny and Julie for leading the event. Thank you everyone for your contributions to this event.
Recent Votes: Teachers gift cards in December and COVID testing kits for teachers and staff in January.
Gift cards went out to the teachers before the end of the school year. Testing kits are purchased and will be distributed once arrive.
Wine Testing Event: Michelle volunteered to host the wine event this year. Date is TBD.
Landscaping/Garden updates (Jenny and Julie)
Met with Caroline on 12/17.
Updates needed for fencing, irrigation, replacing plants, and new shade structure
The PTA will be managing the planting and the curriculum for the garden
Foundation will be in charge of infrastructure
2022-2023 Board Slate and Recruiting
2 open positions: Financial Secretary and Marketing VP
Re-name the father daughter event to be more inclusive of different family structures
Opening more position, since we received more volunteer interests from the parents
Virtual Vote
Allocate $28,000 for 2 site-specific impact teachers. These two teachers will work 5 days/week for the remaining of the school year.
Shannon motioned to approve, Julie seconded, all approved. Vote happened on 01/11/2022
Allocate $13,800 to fund outdoor learning equipment including 8 tables ($10,231.20), 9 umbrellas ($466.06), 4 mobile whiteboards ($597.84), and handyman assembly ($2,500)
Jessica motioned to approve, Jennifer Chen seconded, all approved. Vote happened on 01/13/2022
Add three more board positions, include Parliamentarian (NEW role to update bylaws and review documentation), Blog editor (NEW role as blog was launched in Jan. 2022), and Small Events Chairs (Welcome back, photo, wine tasting, etc) (Combined into one role responsible for all smaller events)
Julie motioned to approve, Erin seconded, all approved. Vote happened on 02/01/2022
Principal Report (Mrs. Peterson)
Status of hiring and funding needs: foundation support the choir teacher, PE teacher, and the new impact teacher.
Status of water filtration: the water fountains are in use
Status of MPR projector: the projector has arrived
General school update:
The discussion of mascot occurred during the coffee talk. Students will vote for the mascot.
Parents opinions will be considered. If majority of the parents think this is not a good time to move forward with the mascot, this event will be postponed.
LOVE FEST (Shannon and Christine)
Promote love within the home, school, and community
No in-person activity will occur due to COVID. It will be online pre-order grab and go
Potential date: 02/11/2022, pickup time at 2:05pm
Items include share the love kit, roses, and pizza, post the pic and enter to win (optional)
Different buddle options will be available, including kit only, roses alone, pizza alone, kit plus roses, kit plus pizza.
Voting for the event: Olivia motioned to approve, Jenny Tomlin seconded, all approved. Shannon and Christine will start working on this activity according to their timeline.
Teacher’s Report (Mrs. Li and Ms. Sheikh):
Funding ideas for the upcoming school year
Outdoor learning centers: we need to make sure the funding won’t be used for something that will be torn down later.
Social emotional resource: Happiness is Now School Assembly during Kindness week, $1,750 for 3 assemblies to align with lunch groups. Foundation funds for capital type of activities. This activity is more related to PTA.
Detailed list of the teacher needs will be provided. If something is needed before the next foundation meeting, foundation can vote virtually for the much-needed items.
Run/Read-a-thon (Olivia/Erin)
Date will be discussed with Ms. Teresa. The current planned date is in March.
It’s all virtual, and ready to go out soon when the date is set.